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How to replace values in Power Query Editor ?

How to replace values in Power Query Editor

Introduction to Power Query

Power Query is a data transforming engine which you can use to get data from multiple sources, clean and transform that data and then use it further in the analysis.

Replacing values in Power Query

You have a list of values, and you want to replace a value or some values with something else. Well, with the help of the power query you can create a query and replaces those values, in no time.

In the below list, you need to replace my name “Puneet” with “Punit”.

replace my name “Puneet” with “Punit”.

  • First, edit the list in the power query editor.
  • After that, in the power query editor, go to “Transform Tab” and click “Replace Values”.
  • Now, in “Value to Find”, enter “Puneet” and in “Replace With” enter “Punit” and after that, click OK.
  • Once you click OK all the values get replaced with the new values and now, click on “Close and Load” to load data in the worksheet.

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