BMI Calculator

Online BMI Calculator

    How to Calculate Your BMI Online: Tips and Tools

    Body Mass Index

    Body mass index, or BMI, is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. It’s a useful tool for understanding your overall health and risk for developing certain health conditions. Calculating your BMI is easy and can be done online with a variety of tools. In this post, we’ll explore what BMI is, how to calculate it, and why it’s important to your health.

    What is BMI?

    BMI is a measure of body fat based on your weight and height. It’s used to indicate whether you are underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. BMI is not a direct measurement of body fat, but it’s a useful tool for estimating body fat and overall health. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered normal, while a BMI of 25 or higher is considered overweight or obese.

    Download BMI Calculator Excel Templates

    In Addition to online BMI Calculator like the above, we also offer free excel template for calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI), some of the templates are – 

    All these templates provide additional functionalities including computation of Body Mass Index.

    How to calculate your BMI ?

    Calculating your BMI is easy and can be done online using an online BMI calculator. You can also calculate it manually by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. The formula is: BMI = weight(kg) / height(m)². For example, if you weigh 70 kilograms and your height is 1.75 meters, your BMI is 70 / (1.75²) = 22.9.

    Why is BMI important?

    BMI is an important tool for understanding your overall health and risk for developing certain health conditions. A high BMI is associated with an increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems. It’s important to keep your BMI within a healthy range to reduce your risk for these conditions.

    Tips for maintaining a healthy BMI

    Maintaining a healthy BMI is important for your overall health and well-being. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy BMI:

    1. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk for health problems.
    2. Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you maintain a healthy weight.
    3. Avoid sugary drinks: Sugary drinks are high in calories and can contribute to weight gain.
    4. Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining a healthy weight and reducing your risk for health problems.

    Online BMI calculator tools

    An online BMI calculator is an important tool for individuals who are interested in monitoring their health and maintaining a healthy weight. Here are some of the key reasons why having access to an online BMI calculator is important:

    • Easy to use: An online BMI calculator is easy to use and requires only a few pieces of information, such as height and weight, to provide an accurate calculation of your BMI. This makes it a convenient tool for anyone who wants to quickly check their BMI without having to visit a healthcare professional.

    • Helps to monitor weight: Monitoring your BMI regularly can help you keep track of your weight and identify any changes that may indicate an increased risk for health problems. By tracking your BMI over time, you can make adjustments to your diet and exercise routine to maintain a healthy weight.

    • Identifies health risks: A high BMI is associated with an increased risk for a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. An online BMI calculator can help you identify any potential health risks associated with your current weight and provide motivation to make healthy lifestyle changes.

    • Provides motivation: Knowing your BMI can be a great motivator to make positive changes to your diet and exercise routine. By tracking your BMI over time, you can see the impact that healthy lifestyle changes are having on your weight and overall health.

    • Accessible to everyone: An online BMI calculator is accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or financial situation. This makes it a valuable tool for individuals who may not have access to healthcare professionals or other resources for monitoring their health.

    Overall, an online BMI calculator is an important tool for anyone who is interested in monitoring their health and maintaining a healthy weight. By using an online BMI calculator regularly, you can stay on top of your weight and identify any potential health risks, while also providing motivation to make positive changes to your lifestyle. There are many online BMI calculator tools available that make it easy to calculate your BMI. Some popular online BMI calculators include:

    1. Online BMI Calculator by ExcelDownloads
    2. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute BMI calculator
    3. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention BMI calculator
    4. The World Health Organization BMI calculator


    Calculating your BMI is an easy and useful tool for understanding your overall health and risk for developing certain health conditions. Maintaining a healthy BMI is important for your overall health and well-being, and there are many online BMI calculator tools available to help you calculate your BMI. By following a healthy diet and exercise routine, you can keep your BMI within a healthy range and reduce your risk for health problems.