Free Temperature Units Online Converter | By Excel Downloads

Online Temperature Unit Converter

Online Temperature Unit Converter


We often require a quick solution to capture medical details and records to convert temperature from one unit to another. Using Microsoft Excel is one way, Using Excel is another and Online Temperature Converter is easiest of all. You can use this converter tool by Excel Downloads. Furthermore, we all offer a complete tutorial to convert temperature units using Microsoft Excel.

Temperature Units Conversion Table

Below table demonstrates multiplier and formulae to convert any temperature unit into Celsius. You can use this table below as a reference table.

UnitSymbolConversion Formula
Fahrenheit°F(°C × 9/5) + 32
KelvinK°C + 273.15
Rankine°R(°F + 459.67)
Delisle°De(100 − °C) × 3/2
Newton°N°C × 33/100
Réaumur°Ré°C × 4/5
Rømer°Rø(°C × 21/40) + 7.5
Leiden°Le(°C × 15/32) + 537.78

How to use temperature units converter tool ?

Since we are an Excel Dedicated website offering resources and tutorials to Excel Users, we also would like to offer you a complete tutorial to convert your Temperature unit from one to another in Excel as well. 

Simply go to >> 

Tutorial blog comes with a video as well to help you understand the full process quickly. 


Thus, this tool and blogpost has helped you to quickly convert length and distance units into the desired unit. Also, we have discussed about conversion table and tutorial on how to convert the length or distance in Microsoft Excel.